Project created during Humber College Program 2020

My objective was to create a logo and digital layout for an app that graphic designers and advertisers could use to sort through all ongoing contests and competitions in their field. d-hunt ("d" standing for design) is a digital application for creative students and professionals that want to have a more convenient and easier way to access information about upcoming competitions and events. The app will help them see all the possibilities they have to apply and allow push notifications for upcoming news, contests and deadlines.
The Logo
The image I want to portray is a creative, colourful, inspiring and reliable app. The AODA standards to include are simple fonts with no ornaments and at least 12 pt. to help the readability, colours selection based on a good contrast between the background and the font or image.
The first sketches had a variety of styles. I tried to play with the letter "d" using different shapes.
For the digital roughs, I had some main options for the logo and opted to play with gradient colours to make them inspiring and inviting. 
I choose to go forward with the name of the app forming the letter "d", because I wanted a different logo that could be colourful and easily work as an icon. 
The App
For the app, I started with a basic wireframe layout of the main pages of the app. And for the final, I chose to bring the same gradient colours to the layout to be consistent and used shapes with rounded corners to make it more inviting.
Competitions, awards and contests give strategic value to demonstrate your talent, challenge yourself, gain recognition and credibility. However, searching for the right contests or competitions to apply can be time-consuming and, during the search, some might already be near the deadline and others already passed the due date which is quite frustrating.
The product aims to benefit all students, professionals and companies in the creative area that are interested in participating in national and international competitions or contests. They are highly interested in gaining valuable experience, showcasing their skills, getting noticed, boosting morale, winning prizes or awards.

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