This was a project concluded at Humber College, in 2019, which we got to play with the quadradius system to come up with a logo for a fictitious company or store. I chose to use two main animals for inspiration to make this logo design: a sheep as inspiration for a pajamas store and a cat for a toy store. The cat logo was the one I went forward due to its strength, colours and toy theme.​​​​​​​

Sparkle is a toy store with a wide range of products for children and teenagers. The company believes that giving the right toys will help children and teenagers to grow by stimulating their curiosity and logical thinking through games. They deserve a better future and happy playing that will help them in their path of growing up.
Sparkle’s Mascot is a colourful cat. As cats are smart, we want people to associate it with the main target audience and what it wants to provide them. 

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